This is what CookieTractor stores
CookieTractor is a service that allows you, as a visitor to a website, to decide which categories of cookies you consent to save on your device (phone, computer, etc.).
Cookies are small text files that are saved on the visitor's device. These can be used for several purposes: storing settings, collecting statistics or enabling personalized marketing. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function. These need to be accepted in order to visit the website. One of these is CookieTractor's own cookie.
CookieTractor's cookie is called _cc_cookieConsent and is only set when you have made your choice in the cookie banner on the website. The cookie contains the following data:
- What consent you as a visitor have given
- Date and time of consent given
- A unique identification key for the consent on the current device
For each website you visit that uses CookieTractor, we save a cookie with the above information on your device. It is stored for up to one year if you do not choose to delete it yourself before then. When the cookie exists, the website will be able to read the cookie and adapt the functionality to follow the consent choice you made. The website owner is always responsible for the website respecting the consent choice. Our cookie only serves as a "memory" for which categories of cookies you have consented to; thus, you do not have to make the choice again each time you visit the website.
Please note that the cookie is only saved on the device from which you visit the website; if you visit the website from another device, you need to make the consent selection for this device as well. When the cookie expires after one year (or if it is deleted), you must choose the consent choice again. If you want to know how to delete cookies on your device, the easiest way is to search for instructions online.
You can verify what has been saved in the cookie on your device by opening the cookie banner on the website again. Click on "Read more about our cookies" and scroll to the bottom of the list. It states which consent you gave, the time it was given and your unique identification key.
The same content stored in the cookie is also transmitted encrypted to CookieTractor's server in Sweden where it is stored. No other information about you as a visitor is saved, neither IP number nor any other personal identifier. If you as a visitor want to confirm what consent you have given for a website, you can send the identification key to the website owner, who can look up the key in CookieTractor's system and see what consent was given and when it was given, thus fulfilling the legal requirement that a consent must be proven. Neither CookieTractor nor the website owner can directly or indirectly derive you as a visitor through the data we store without your active participation.
CookieTractor is a service operated and developed by the Swedish company Obvi Use AB (Organization no. 556878-0166).