Partner Documentation
As a partner, you'll have access to additional functionality inside the application.
Customer Overview
In the Account Settings for your partner account, you'll find the Customers-tab where all your connected customers will be listed.
Configure Partner Payments
As a partner, you can choose to set up new accounts and have your customers pay themselves, or you can choose to configure your partner account to pay for all or some of the customer accounts. The benefit of having the partner account paying is that the card information only needs to be added in one place.
Before you can start paying for your customer you'll have to configure billing for the partner account, this is done on the Billing-tab in the Account Settings for the partner account. Once this is done, an option to configure partner payments will be presented each time you create new accounts.
Take over payments for existing accounts
Partners that have configured subscriptions for customers in their own name might have their card added in the Billing-tab of multiple customers. When billing is configured for the partner account an option to Take over payments will be presented on the Billing-tab of the customer's account.
By clicking the Pay via Partner-account-button the payment subscription will be transferred to the partner account and any future payments will be processed using the payment method configured on the partner account.